
Photoshop Path Edits is a powerful tool for creating and manipulating vector shapes and selections. With the Paths tool, you can create a selection that is not limited by a rectangular or ellipse shape – you can draw any shape you need, allowing for greater creative flexibility. In this article, you will learn the basics of Photoshops Path Tool, how to create paths, as well as how to edit and manipulate them. By the end of this article, you will be able to create complex selections and vector shapes with ease.

Introduction to Photoshop Path Editing

Photoshop path editing is a powerful feature of the program which allows users to modify the shape of objects and images with precision. By using paths, users can select, move, add and subtract from a variety of shapes and objects to create unique images. Paths can be freely edited and manipulated to create the desired shape or object. This article will introduce users to the basics of photoshop path editing and provide a comprehensive guide to the process. Understanding the fundamentals of path editing will provide users with the necessary skills to modify and create unique designs.

What is the Path Tool?

The Path Tool in Adobe Photoshop is an essential tool used to create and edit paths in your images and artwork. This tool allows users to draw, edit, and manipulate paths easily, making it an invaluable tool for any serious Photoshop user. With the Path Tool, users can draw a variety of shapes and curves from straight lines to complex shapes, making it a powerful tool for creating photoshop path edits. Paths drawn with the Path Tool can be manipulated in a variety of ways to create more complex designs. In addition, the Path Tool can be used to create selections and save paths for later use. In any Photoshop task that requires the use of paths, the Path Tool is the go-to tool for creating professional-looking results.

How to Use Paths in Photoshop

When it comes to making precision edits to your photographs in Photoshop, paths are a powerful tool. Paths are vector-based shapes that you can use to select areas of your image for manipulation. They are helpful for making accurate selections for making edits or adding effects such as masks and gradients.

To use paths in Photoshop, select the Path Selection tool from the tools palette. This tool is located between the Hand and Zoom tools. With the Path Selection tool active, click and drag the cursor around a section of the image which you would like to select. This will create a path. If you would like to adjust the shape of the path, use the Pen Tool and the Ctrl/Cmd + T keyboard shortcut to resize or reshape the path.

Finally, when your path is ready, you can use it to make edits. Use the Select menu to choose “Make Selection” and the path will be used to make a selection on the image. With the selection, you can use tools such as Magic Wand, Brush, or the Eraser to make further adjustments to the photograph. After that, it’s just a matter of saving your work.

With a little practice, paths in Photoshop can be a great tool for making precision edits and adding effects to your photographs.

Creating Paths in Photoshop

Paths are an incredibly useful and powerful tool within Photoshop that allows users to modify images with greater precision than a standard brush tool. To create a path, users can begin by selecting the pen tool and using it to trace the outline of an object or shape. Once the path is created, users can adjust the width and other features as needed. Photoshop also allows users to convert path points and edit the anchor points of a path, providing users with even more control over how the image is modified. With the ability to edit existing paths and create new ones, users have the tools to make precise and intricate changes to their images.

Basic Shapes

Photoshop Path Editing allows users to create and edit basic shapes. These shapes can be created and manipulated using basic shape tools in Photoshop, such as the Rectangle Tool, Ellipse Tool, Line Tool, and Pen Tool. Shapes created with these tools can then be modified by editing the path of the shape. This can be done by adding new points, deleting existing points, and manipulating the curvature of the path. Once the shape is complete, users can further modify it by editing the settings of the shape or by adding other design elements, such as fills and strokes.

Custom Shapes

Photoshop path editing offers the opportunity to create custom shapes for a variety of design needs. With the Shape Selection and Path Selection tools, users can easily combine, subtract, or intersect shapes to achieve the desired outcome. In addition, Photoshop’s path editing capabilities allow users to refine individual shapes to add greater detail and complexity. By creating custom shapes, designers can customize their work to the exact specifications required.

Non-Rectangular Selections

Non-rectangular selections in Adobe Photoshop offer an array of creative options for image editing. Path editing tools such as the Polygonal Lasso Tool, Magnetic Lasso Tool, and Freeform Pen Tool give users the ability to make precise, custom selections. With these tools, users can make intricate selections to create unique shapes and designs. Additionally, users can save paths as a work path and use the Path Selection Tool to further modify their selections. By learning to use the path editing tools in Adobe Photoshop, users can achieve precise and intricate edits to create unique effects.

Editing Paths in Photoshop

Photoshop Path Editing is a powerful and versatile tool for creating and customizing artwork in Photoshop. It is the basis for creating vector shapes and line work and gives users the ability to precisely edit paths and shapes with ease. Paths can be edited in many different ways, including adding and subtracting points, transforming individual points, and copying and pasting components of a path. By using the Path Selection and Pen tools, as well as the Direct Selection tool, users can manipulate paths with ease. Photoshop’s Path Editing tools are also very useful for tracing existing artwork and creating line art, logos, and other designs. With the power of Photoshop’s Path Editing tools, it’s easy to precisely adjust paths and shapes and create stunning images.

Adding, Subtracting and Merging Points

When editing paths in Photoshop, the user has the ability to add, subtract, or merge points to modify the path. All changes can easily be reverted if needed. Adding points gives the user more control over the shape of the path, allowing them to create more fine-tuned details to the shape. Subtracting points reduces complexity and allows for easier adjustments. Merging points allows the user to combine two points and make more efficient use of them. All of these photoshop path editing functions can be accessed through the Paths Panel or the direct selection tool, depending on the user’s preference.

Modifying Anchor Points and Handles

When working with the pen tool in Adobe Photoshop, users have the ability to modify paths, which contain anchor points and handles. Anchor points define the starting, ending, and turning points of a path and handles allow the user to control the curves of the path. By modifiying the position of anchor points and handles, users can easily shape and customize paths. For example, clicking and dragging an anchor point will move the point, while clicking and dragging one of the handles of an anchor point will reshape the curve. By taking advantage of these techniques, users are able to effectively manipulate paths in Photoshop to best suit their needs.

Converting a Selection to a Path

Paths are a powerful tool in Photoshop and can be used to create precise edits to an image. One way to create a path is to convert a selection into a path, which can be done in a few simple steps. First, make a selection of the desired area. Then, go to the Paths Panel, located under the Window tab. In the Paths panel you will find the ‘Make Work Path’ option located at the bottom of the panel. Finally, click the ‘Make Work Path’ option and a path will be created from the selection. With the path in place, you are now able to make a variety of precise photoshop path edits.


In conclusion, Photoshop Path Editing is an incredibly powerful tool for making very precise selections and drawing custom shapes. With the Path Tool and several other Photoshop tools, you can create and edit very intricate paths. By using basic shapes, creating customized shapes, and editing paths or creating non-rectangular selections, you can make beautiful and unique creations. With a bit of practice and patience, you can become an expert at Path Editing in Photoshop, and your art will be much more professional and creative as a result!